Showing codes G2188 (Patients with clinical indications for imaging of the head: new or change in headache above 50 years of age) — G2251 (Brief communication technology-based service, e.g. virtual check-in, by a qualified health care professional who cannot report evaluation and management services, provided to an established patient, not originating from a related service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to a service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment; 5-10 minutes of clinical discussion)
G2188 - Pt 50 yrs w/clin ind hd
Long description: Patients with clinical indications for imaging of the head: new or change in headache above 50 years of age
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2189 - Img hd abnml neuro exam
Long description: Patients with clinical indications for imaging of the head: abnormal neurologic exam
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2190 - Ind img hd rad neck
Long description: Patients with clinical indications for imaging of the head: headache radiating to the neck
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2191 - Ind img hd pos hd ache
Long description: Patients with clinical indications for imaging of the head: positional headaches
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2192 - >55 yrs temp hd ache
Long description: Patients with clinical indications for imaging of the head: temporal headaches in patients over 55 years of age
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2193 - <6yr new onset hd ache
Long description: Patients with clinical indications for imaging of the head: new onset headache in pre-school children or younger (<6 years of age)
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2194 - New hdache ped pt dis
Long description: Patients with clinical indications for imaging of the head: new onset headache in pediatric patients with disabilities for which headache is a concern as inferred from behavior
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2195 - Occip hdache child
Long description: Patients with clinical indications for imaging of the head: occipital headache in children
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2196 - Screen unhlthy etoh use
Long description: Patient identified as an unhealthy alcohol user when screened for unhealthy alcohol use using a systematic screening method
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2197 - Screen hlthy etoh use
Long description: Patient screened for unhealthy alcohol use using a systematic screening method and not identified as an unhealthy alcohol user
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2198 - Med rsn no unhlthy etoh
Long description: Documentation of medical reason(s) for not screening for unhealthy alcohol use using a systematic screening method (e.g., limited life expectancy, other medical reasons)
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20230101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2199 - Not scrn etoh no rsn
Long description: Patient not screened for unhealthy alcohol use using a systematic screening method
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20230101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2200 - Unhlthy etoh rcvd couns
Long description: Patient identified as an unhealthy alcohol user received brief counseling
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2201 - Med rsn no brief couns
Long description: Documentation of medical reason(s) for not providing brief counseling (e.g., limited life expectancy, other medical reasons)
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20230101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2202 - No rsn no brief couns
Long description: Patient did not receive brief counseling if identified as an unhealthy alcohol user
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20230101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2203 - Med rsn no etoh couns
Long description: Documentation of medical reason(s) for not providing brief counseling if identified as an unhealthy alcohol user (e.g., limited life expectancy, other medical reasons)
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20230101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2204 - Pt 45-85 w/ scope
Long description: Patients between 45 and 85 years of age who received a screening colonoscopy during the performance period
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20230101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2205 - Preg drng adjv trtmt
Long description: Patients with pregnancy during adjuvant treatment course
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2206 - Adjv trtmt chemo her2
Long description: Patient received adjuvant treatment course including both chemotherapy and her2-targeted therapy
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2207 - Rsn no trtmt chem her2
Long description: Reason for not administering adjuvant treatment course including both chemotherapy and her2-targeted therapy (e.g. poor performance status (ecog 3-4; karnofsky <=50), cardiac contraindications, insufficient renal function, insufficient hepatic function, other active or secondary cancer diagnoses, other medical contraindications, patients who died during initial treatment course or transferred during or after initial treatment course)
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20230101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2208 - No trtmt chemo and her2
Long description: Patient did not receive adjuvant treatment course including both chemotherapy and her2-targeted therapy
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2209 - Refused to participate
Long description: Patient refused to participate
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2210 - No neck fs prom no rsn
Long description: Residual score for the neck impairment not measured because the patient did not complete the neck fs prom at initial evaluation and/or near discharge, reason not given
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20230101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2211 - Complex e/m visit add on
Long description: Visit complexity inherent to evaluation and management associated with medical care services that serve as the continuing focal point for all needed health care services and/or with medical care services that are part of ongoing care related to a patient's single, serious condition or a complex condition. (add-on code, list separately in addition to office/outpatient evaluation and management visit, new or established)
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2212 - Prolong outpt/office vis
Long description: Prolonged office or other outpatient evaluation and management service(s) beyond the maximum required time of the primary procedure which has been selected using total time on the date of the primary service; each additional 15 minutes by the physician or qualified healthcare professional, with or without direct patient contact (list separately in addition to cpt codes 99205, 99215, 99483 for office or other outpatient evaluation and management services) (do not report g2212 on the same date of service as 99358, 99359, 99415, 99416). (do not report g2212 for any time unit less than 15 minutes)
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20230101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2213 - Initiat med assist tx in er
Long description: Initiation of medication for the treatment of opioid use disorder in the emergency department setting, including assessment, referral to ongoing care, and arranging access to supportive services (list separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2214 - Init/sub psych care m 1st 30
Long description: Initial or subsequent psychiatric collaborative care management, first 30 minutes in a month of behavioral health care manager activities, in consultation with a psychiatric consultant, and directed by the treating physician or other qualified health care professional
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2215 - Home supply nasal naloxone
Long description: Take-home supply of nasal naloxone; 2-pack of 4mg per 0.1 ml nasal spray (provision of the services by a medicare-enrolled opioid treatment program); list separately in addition to code for primary procedure
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20220101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2216 - Home supply inject naloxon
Long description: Take-home supply of injectable naloxone (provision of the services by a medicare-enrolled opioid treatment program); list separately in addition to code for primary procedure
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2250 - Remot img sub by pt, non e/m
Long description: Remote assessment of recorded video and/or images submitted by an established patient (e.g., store and forward), including interpretation with follow-up with the patient within 24 business hours, not originating from a related service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to a service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G2251 - Brief chkin, 5-10, non-e/m
Long description: Brief communication technology-based service, e.g. virtual check-in, by a qualified health care professional who cannot report evaluation and management services, provided to an established patient, not originating from a related service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to a service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment; 5-10 minutes of clinical discussion
Code added date: 20210101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s):
; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).