HCPCS Q4286 Code. Nudyn sl or slw, per sq cm

Table of content for "Nudyn sl or slw, per sq cm" (HCPCS Q4286)

General information on the “Q4286” code

HCPCS Code: Q4286
Long Description: Nudyn sl or nudyn slw, per square centimeter
Short Description: Nudyn sl or slw, per sq cm

Original information is taken from Q4286 page

Pricing indicators

Pricing Indicator Code 1: 51 – Drugs
Multiple Pricing Indicator Code A : Not applicable as HCPCS priced under one methodology

Certification and additional reference information


Coverage: C – Carrier judgment

Type of service

Berenson-Eggers Type of Service (BETOS): O1E – Other drugs
Type Of Service 1: 1 – Medical care

Misc information

Anesthesia Base Unit Quantity: 0
Code Added Date: 20231001
Code Effective Date: 20231001
Action Code: N – No maintenance for this code