Showing codes G8596 (Ldl-c was not performed) — G8626 (Patient treated for swallowing but not scored on the swallowing functional communication measure at admission or at discharge)

G8596 - No ldl perf
Long description: Ldl-c was not performed
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8597 - Ldl >= 100
Long description: Most recent ldl-c >= 100 mg/dl
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8598 - Asa/antiplat ther used
Long description: Aspirin or another antiplatelet therapy used
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20170101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8599 - No asa/antiplat ther use rng
Long description: Aspirin or another antiplatelet therapy not used, reason not given
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20170101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8600 - Tpa initi w/in 4.5 hr
Long description: Iv thrombolytic therapy initiated within 4.5 hours (<= 270 minutes) of time last known well
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20230101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8601 - No elig tpa init w/in 4.5 hr
Long description: Iv thrombolytic therapy not initiated within 4.5 hours (<= 270 minutes) of time last known well for reasons documented by clinician (e.g. patient enrolled in clinical trial for stroke, patient admitted for elective carotid intervention)
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20240101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8602 - No tpa init w/in 4.5 hr
Long description: Iv thrombolytic therapy not initiated within 4.5 hours (<= 270 minutes) of time last known well, reason not given
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20230101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8603 - Spok lang comp score
Long description: Score on the spoken language comprehension functional communication measure at discharge was higher than at admission
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8604 - No high score spok lang
Long description: Score on the spoken language comprehension functional communication measure at discharge was not higher than at admission, reason not given
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8605 - No spok lang comp score
Long description: Patient treated for spoken language comprehension but not scored on the spoken language comprehension functional communication measure either at admission or at discharge
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8606 - Attention score
Long description: Score on the attention functional communication measure at discharge was higher than at admission
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8607 - No high score attention
Long description: Score on the attention functional communication measure at discharge was not higher than at admission, reason not given
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8608 - No attention score
Long description: Patient treated for attention but not scored on the attention functional communication measure either at admission or at discharge
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8609 - Memory score
Long description: Score on the memory functional communication measure at discharge was higher than at admission
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8610 - No high score memory
Long description: Score on the memory functional communication measure at discharge was not higher than at admission, reason not given
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8611 - No memory score
Long description: Patient treated for memory but not scored on the memory functional communication measure either at admission or at discharge
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8612 - Moto speech score
Long description: Score on the motor speech functional communication measure at discharge was higher than at admission
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8613 - No high score moto speech
Long description: Score on the motor speech functional communication measure at discharge was not higher than at admission, reason not given
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8614 - No moto speech score
Long description: Patient treated for motor speech but not scored on the motor speech comprehension functional communication measure either at admission or at discharge
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8615 - Reading score
Long description: Score on the reading functional communication measure at discharge was higher than at admission
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8616 - No high score reading
Long description: Score on the reading functional communication measure at discharge was not higher than at admission, reason not given
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8617 - No reading score
Long description: Patient treated for reading but not scored on the reading functional communication measure either at admission or at discharge
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8618 - Spok lang exp score
Long description: Score on the spoken language expression functional communication measure at discharge was higher than at admission
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8619 - No high score spok lang exp
Long description: Score on the spoken language expression functional communication measure at discharge was not higher than at admission, reason not given
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8620 - No spok lang exp score
Long description: Patient treated for spoken language expression but not scored on the spoken language expression functional communication measure either at admission or at discharge
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8621 - Writing score
Long description: Score on the writing functional communication measure at discharge was higher than at admission
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8622 - No high score writing
Long description: Score on the writing functional communication measure at discharge was not higher than at admission, reason not given
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8623 - No writing score
Long description: Patient treated for writing but not scored on the writing functional communication measure either at admission or at discharge
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8624 - Swallowing score
Long description: Score on the swallowing functional communication measure at discharge was higher than at admission
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8625 - No high score swallowing
Long description: Score on the swallowing functional communication measure at discharge was not higher than at admission, reason not given
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G8626 - No swallowing score
Long description: Patient treated for swallowing but not scored on the swallowing functional communication measure at admission or at discharge
Code added date: 20100101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
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