Showing codes G0180 (Physician or allowed practitioner certification for medicare-covered home health services under a home health plan of care (patient not present), including contacts with home health agency and review of reports of patient status required by physicians and allowed practitioners to affirm the initial implementation of the plan of care) — G0277 (Hyperbaric oxygen under pressure, full body chamber, per 30 minute interval)

G0180 - Md certification hha patient
Long description: Physician or allowed practitioner certification for medicare-covered home health services under a home health plan of care (patient not present), including contacts with home health agency and review of reports of patient status required by physicians and allowed practitioners to affirm the initial implementation of the plan of care
Code added date: 20001001.
Code effective date: 20200301.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0181 - Home health care supervision
Long description: Physician or allowed practitioner supervision of a patient receiving medicare-covered services provided by a participating home health agency (patient not present) requiring complex and multidisciplinary care modalities involving regular physician or allowed practitioner development and/or revision of care plans
Code added date: 20010101.
Code effective date: 20200301.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0182 - Hospice care supervision
Long description: Physician supervision of a patient under a medicare-approved hospice (patient not present) requiring complex and multidisciplinary care modalities involving regular physician development and/or revision of care plans, review of subsequent reports of patient status, review of laboratory and other studies, communication (including telephone calls) with other health care professionals involved in the patient's care, integration of new information into the medical treatment plan and/or adjustment of medical therapy, within a calendar month, 30 minutes or more
Code added date: 20010101.
Code effective date: 20010101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0186 - Dstry eye lesn,fdr vssl tech
Long description: Destruction of localized lesion of choroid (for example, choroidal neovascularization); photocoagulation, feeder vessel technique (one or more sessions)
Code added date: 20010101.
Code effective date: 20010101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0202 - Scr mammo bi incl cad
Long description: Screening mammography, bilateral (2-view study of each breast), including computer-aided detection (cad) when performed
Code added date: 20010401.
Code effective date: 20180101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 13 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0204 - Dx mammo incl cad bi
Long description: Diagnostic mammography, including computer-aided detection (cad) when performed; bilateral
Code added date: 20010401.
Code effective date: 20180101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 13 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0206 - Dx mammo incl cad uni
Long description: Diagnostic mammography, including computer-aided detection (cad) when performed; unilateral
Code added date: 20010401.
Code effective date: 20180101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 13 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0219 - Pet img wholbod melano nonco
Long description: Pet imaging whole body; melanoma for non-covered indications
Code added date: 20010701.
Code effective date: 20010701.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: M (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0235 - Pet not otherwise specified
Long description: Pet imaging, any site, not otherwise specified
Code added date: 20060101.
Code effective date: 20210101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: M (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0237 - Therapeutic procd strg endur
Long description: Therapeutic procedures to increase strength or endurance of respiratory muscles, face to face, one on one, each 15 minutes (includes monitoring)
Code added date: 20020101.
Code effective date: 20041001.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0238 - Oth resp proc, indiv
Long description: Therapeutic procedures to improve respiratory function, other than described by g0237, one on one, face to face, per 15 minutes (includes monitoring)
Code added date: 20020101.
Code effective date: 20041001.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0239 - Oth resp proc, group
Long description: Therapeutic procedures to improve respiratory function or increase strength or endurance of respiratory muscles, two or more individuals (includes monitoring)
Code added date: 20020101.
Code effective date: 20041001.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0245 - Initial foot exam pt lops
Long description: Initial physician evaluation and management of a diabetic patient with diabetic sensory neuropathy resulting in a loss of protective sensation (lops) which must include: (1) the diagnosis of lops, (2) a patient history, (3) a physical examination that consists of at least the following elements: (a) visual inspection of the forefoot, hindfoot and toe web spaces, (b) evaluation of a protective sensation, (c) evaluation of foot structure and biomechanics, (d) evaluation of vascular status and skin integrity, and (e) evaluation and recommendation of footwear and (4) patient education
Code added date: 20020701.
Code effective date: 20020701.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: D (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0246 - Followup eval of foot pt lop
Long description: Follow-up physician evaluation and management of a diabetic patient with diabetic sensory neuropathy resulting in a loss of protective sensation (lops) to include at least the following: (1) a patient history, (2) a physical examination that includes: (a) visual inspection of the forefoot, hindfoot and toe web spaces, (b) evaluation of protective sensation, (c) evaluation of foot structure and biomechanics, (d) evaluation of vascular status and skin integrity, and (e) evaluation and recommendation of footwear, and (3) patient education
Code added date: 20020701.
Code effective date: 20020701.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: D (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0247 - Routine footcare pt w lops
Long description: Routine foot care by a physician of a diabetic patient with diabetic sensory neuropathy resulting in a loss of protective sensation (lops) to include, the local care of superficial wounds (i.e. superficial to muscle and fascia) and at least the following if present: (1) local care of superficial wounds, (2) debridement of corns and calluses, and (3) trimming and debridement of nails
Code added date: 20020701.
Code effective date: 20030701.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: D (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0248 - Demonstrate use home inr mon
Long description: Demonstration, prior to initiation of home inr monitoring, for patient with either mechanical heart valve(s), chronic atrial fibrillation, or venous thromboembolism who meets medicare coverage criteria, under the direction of a physician; includes: face-to-face demonstration of use and care of the inr monitor, obtaining at least one blood sample, provision of instructions for reporting home inr test results, and documentation of patient's ability to perform testing and report results
Code added date: 20020701.
Code effective date: 20080319.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: D (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0249 - Provide inr test mater/equip
Long description: Provision of test materials and equipment for home inr monitoring of patient with either mechanical heart valve(s), chronic atrial fibrillation, or venous thromboembolism who meets medicare coverage criteria; includes: provision of materials for use in the home and reporting of test results to physician; testing not occurring more frequently than once a week; testing materials, billing units of service include 4 tests
Code added date: 20020701.
Code effective date: 20080319.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: D (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0250 - Md inr test revie inter mgmt
Long description: Physician review, interpretation, and patient management of home inr testing for patient with either mechanical heart valve(s), chronic atrial fibrillation, or venous thromboembolism who meets medicare coverage criteria; testing not occurring more frequently than once a week; billing units of service include 4 tests
Code added date: 20020701.
Code effective date: 20080319.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: D (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0251 - Linear acc based stero radio
Long description: Linear accelerator based stereotactic radiosurgery, delivery including collimator changes and custom plugging, fractionated treatment, all lesions, per session, maximum five sessions per course of treatment
Code added date: 20020401.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: D (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0252 - Pet imaging initial dx
Long description: Pet imaging, full and partial-ring pet scanners only, for initial diagnosis of breast cancer and/or surgical planning for breast cancer (e.g., initial staging of axillary lymph nodes)
Code added date: 20021001.
Code effective date: 20021001.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: M (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0255 - Current percep threshold tst
Long description: Current perception threshold/sensory nerve conduction test, (snct) per limb, any nerve
Code added date: 20021001.
Code effective date: 20021001.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: M (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0257 - Unsched dialysis esrd pt hos
Long description: Unscheduled or emergency dialysis treatment for an esrd patient in a hospital outpatient department that is not certified as an esrd facility
Code added date: 20030101.
Code effective date: 20030101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: D (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0259 - Inject for sacroiliac joint
Long description: Injection procedure for sacroiliac joint; arthrography
Code added date: 20030101.
Code effective date: 20030101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: D (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0260 - Inj for sacroiliac jt anesth
Long description: Injection procedure for sacroiliac joint; provision of anesthetic, steroid and/or other therapeutic agent, with or without arthrography
Code added date: 20030101.
Code effective date: 20041001.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: D (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0268 - Removal of impacted wax md
Long description: Removal of impacted cerumen (one or both ears) by physician on same date of service as audiologic function testing
Code added date: 20030101.
Code effective date: 20030101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0269 - Occlusive device in vein art
Long description: Placement of occlusive device into either a venous or arterial access site, post surgical or interventional procedure (e.g., angioseal plug, vascular plug)
Code added date: 20030101.
Code effective date: 20030101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: D (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0270 - Mnt subs tx for change dx
Long description: Medical nutrition therapy; reassessment and subsequent intervention(s) following second referral in same year for change in diagnosis, medical condition or treatment regimen (including additional hours needed for renal disease), individual, face to face with the patient, each 15 minutes
Code added date: 20030101.
Code effective date: 20030101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0271 - Group mnt 2 or more 30 mins
Long description: Medical nutrition therapy, reassessment and subsequent intervention(s) following second referral in same year for change in diagnosis, medical condition, or treatment regimen (including additional hours needed for renal disease), group (2 or more individuals), each 30 minutes
Code added date: 20030101.
Code effective date: 20030101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0275 - Renal angio, cardiac cath
Long description: Renal angiography, non-selective, one or both kidneys, performed at the same time as cardiac catheterization and/or coronary angiography, includes positioning or placement of any catheter in the abdominal aorta at or near the origins (ostia) of the renal arteries, injection of dye, flush aortogram, production of permanent images, and radiologic supervision and interpretation (list separately in addition to primary procedure)
Code added date: 20030101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 11 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0276 - Pild/placebo control clin tr
Long description: Blinded procedure for lumbar stenosis, percutaneous image-guided lumbar decompression (pild) or placebo-control, performed in an approved coverage with evidence development (ced) clinical trial
Code added date: 20150101.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 13 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: D (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G0277 - Hbot, full body chamber, 30m
Long description: Hyperbaric oxygen under pressure, full body chamber, per 30 minute interval
Code added date: 20150101.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 13 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: D (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
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