Showing codes G9190 (Documentation of medical reason(s) for not prescribing beta-blocker therapy (eg, allergy, intolerance, other medical reasons)) — G9220 (Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia prophylaxis not prescribed within 3 months of low cd4+ cell count below 500 cells/mm3 or a cd4 percentage below 15% for medical reason (i.e., patient's cd4+ cell count above threshold within 3 months after cd4+ cell count below threshold, indicating that the patient's cd4+ levels are within an acceptable range and the patient does not require pcp prophylaxis))

G9190 - Medical reason for no beta
Long description: Documentation of medical reason(s) for not prescribing beta-blocker therapy (eg, allergy, intolerance, other medical reasons)
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9191 - Pt reason for no beta
Long description: Documentation of patient reason(s) for not prescribing beta-blocker therapy (eg, patient declined, other patient reasons)
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9192 - System reason for no beta
Long description: Documentation of system reason(s) for not prescribing beta-blocker therapy (eg, other reasons attributable to the health care system)
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20240101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9193 - Doc not eligible for dep med
Long description: Clinician documented that patient with a diagnosis of major depression was not an eligible candidate for antidepressant medication treatment or patient did not have a diagnosis of major depression
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9194 - Mdd pt treated for 180d
Long description: Patient with a diagnosis of major depression documented as being treated with antidepressant medication during the entire 180 day (6 month) continuation treatment phase
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9195 - Mdd pt not treated for 180d
Long description: Patient with a diagnosis of major depression not documented as being treated with antidepressant medication during the entire 180 day (6 months) continuation treatment phase
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9196 - Med reason for no ceph
Long description: Documentation of medical reason(s) for not ordering a first or second generation cephalosporin for antimicrobial prophylaxis (e.g., patients enrolled in clinical trials, patients with documented infection prior to surgical procedure of interest, patients who were receiving antibiotics more than 24 hours prior to surgery [except colon surgery patients taking oral prophylactic antibiotics], patients who were receiving antibiotics within 24 hours prior to arrival [except colon surgery patients taking oral prophylactic antibiotics], other medical reason(s))
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20230101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9197 - Order for ceph
Long description: Documentation of order for first or second generation cephalosporin for antimicrobial prophylaxis
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20230101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9198 - No order for ceph no reason
Long description: Order for first or second generation cephalosporin for antimicrobial prophylaxis was not documented, reason not given
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20230101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9199 - Doc reason for no vte
Long description: Venous thromboembolism (vte) prophylaxis not administered the day of or the day after hospital admission for documented reasons (eg, patient is ambulatory, patient expired during inpatient stay, patient already on warfarin or another anticoagulant, other medical reason(s) or eg, patient left against medical advice, other patient reason(s))
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9200 - No reason for no vte
Long description: Venous thromboembolism (vte) prophylaxis was not administered the day of or the day after hospital admission, reason not given
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9201 - Vte given upon admission
Long description: Venous thromboembolism (vte) prophylaxis administered the day of or the day after hospital admission
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9202 - Hep c aby pos
Long description: Patients with a positive hepatitis c antibody test
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9203 - Hep c rna done prior to med
Long description: Rna testing for hepatitis c documented as performed within 12 months prior to initiation of antiviral treatment for hepatitis c
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20170101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9204 - No reason for no hep c rna
Long description: Rna testing for hepatitis c was not documented as performed within 12 months prior to initiation of antiviral treatment for hepatitis c, reason not given
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20170101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9205 - Hep c antiviral started
Long description: Patient starting antiviral treatmentfor hepatitis c during the measurement period
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20170101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9206 - Hep c therapy started
Long description: Patient starting antiviral treatment for hepatitis c during the measurement period
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20170101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9207 - Hep c genotype prior to med
Long description: Hepatitis c genotype testing documented as performed within 12 months prior to initiation of antiviral treatment for hepatitis c
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20170101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9208 - No reason for no hep c geno
Long description: Hepatitis c genotype testing was not documented as performed within 12 months prior to initiation of antiviral treatment for hepatitis c, reason not given
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20170101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9209 - Hep c rna 4to12 wk after med
Long description: Hepatitis c quantitative rna testing documented as performed between 4-12 weeks after the initiation of antiviral treatment
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20170101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9210 - No hepc rna after med docrsn
Long description: Hepatitis c quantitative rna testing not performed between 4-12 weeks after the initiation of antiviral treatment for documented reason(s) (e.g., patients whose treatment was discontinued during the testing period prior to testing, other medical reasons, patient declined, other patient reasons)
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20170101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9211 - No hepc rna after med no rsn
Long description: Hepatitis c quantitative rna testing was not documented as performed between 4-12 weeks after the initiation of antiviral treatment, reason not given
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20170101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9212 - Doc of dsm-iv init eval
Long description: Dsm-ivtm criteria for major depressive disorder documented at the initial evaluation
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9213 - No doc of dsm-iv
Long description: Dsm-iv-tr criteria for major depressive disorder not documented at the initial evaluation, reason not otherwise specified
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20140101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9214 - Cd4 count documented
Long description: Cd4+ cell count or cd4+ cell percentage results documented
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9215 - No cd4 count no reason
Long description: Cd4+ cell count or percentage not documented as performed, reason not given
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9216 - No pcp proph at dx no reason
Long description: Pcp prophylaxis was not prescribed at time of diagnosis of hiv, reason not given
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9217 - No pcp proph low cd4 norsn
Long description: Pcp prophylaxis was not prescribed within 3 months of low cd4+ cell count below 200 cells/mm3, reason not given
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20170101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9218 - No pcp prop low at cd4 norsn
Long description: Pcp prophylaxis was not prescribed within 3 months oflow cd4+ cell count below 500 cells/mm3 or a cd4 percentage below 15%, reason not given
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9219 - No oder pjp for med reason
Long description: Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia prophylaxis not prescribed within 3 months of low cd4+ cell count below 200 cells/mm3 for medical reason (i.e., patient's cd4+ cell count above threshold within 3 months after cd4+ cell count below threshold, indicating that the patient's cd4+ levels are within an acceptable range and the patient does not require pcp prophylaxis)
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20170101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
G9220 - No order for pjp for medrsn
Long description: Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia prophylaxis not prescribed within 3 months of low cd4+ cell count below 500 cells/mm3 or a cd4 percentage below 15% for medical reason (i.e., patient's cd4+ cell count above threshold within 3 months after cd4+ cell count below threshold, indicating that the patient's cd4+ levels are within an acceptable range and the patient does not require pcp prophylaxis)
Code added date: 20140101.
Code effective date: 20150101.
Pricing Indicator Code(s): 00 ; (Codes used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes.)
Coverage Code: C (A code denoting Medicare coverage status).
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